In a heartwarming interview, Special Spesh, Davido's hypeman, revealed how the singer's kindness transformed his life. Special Spesh shared that his child underwent surgery in...
A heartwarming video has surfaced online, showing Pasuma's daughter, Roqeebah, visiting Fuji legend Saheed Osupa to extend an invitation to her father's 40th-year-on-stage celebration.
A viral video circulating on social media has captured the ecstatic reactions of excited female fans after seeing Grammy Award-winning Nigerian superstar Wizkid, born...
Nigerian comedian Mide Oladimeji, popularly known as Dele Omowoli, has taken a significant step in his personal life as he joyfully announces his relocation...
Famous Nigerian TikToker, Hamzat Habeeb Adelaja, professionally known as Peller, has broken into tears following the worsening health condition of his love interest, TikTok...
A Nigerian lady, Balikisu, has made a surprising confession on live TV, declaring her love for President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and expressing her desire...
Nigerian singer Timaya has unleashed a provocative claim in his new song, "Pay Back," sending shockwaves across social media.
The wealthy musician boasts that he's...