In a remarkable turn of events, Idowu Iluyomade, the former senior pastor of the City of David Parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), has launched his own church in Lagos, dubbed Family Fellowship. This development comes months after Iluyomade’s suspension and subsequent resignation from RCCG.
A video circulating online shows Pastor Idowu celebrating the inauguration of Family Fellowship with his wife, Siju Iluyomade, and members of the new church. The grand ceremony was marked by joy, dancing, and praise.
Iluyomade’s suspension from RCCG was prompted by public outcry over his wife’s lavish birthday party, which was held shortly after the passing of Herbert Wigwe, a prominent church member and former CEO of Access Bank. However, it seems that Iluyomade has bounced back from the controversy, determined to continue spreading the word of God.
The opening of Family Fellowship has sparked a mix of reactions online, with some congratulating Iluyomade on his new venture and others criticizing his approach. Social media users have taken to the comment section to share their thoughts.
marjoriefiedler said, “Perfect 👏 He is a very good preacher.”
ivhairs said, “Aww 🥰🥰🥰congratulations pastor ID so happy for him thank God with everything he didn’t give up 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍.”
tolu_ayanwale said, “Business never stops.”
perfumesbyqueenolly said, “He looks like that London pastor.”
ozo_odogwu said, “The business conglomerate is expanding indeed 😀.”