Nollywood actress Ngozi Ezeonu has expressed her disapproval of young ladies attending auditions in revealing outfits, particularly those without bras. A TikTok video captured the actress addressing two ladies during an audition in Lagos, questioning their intentions and criticizing their choice of attire.
Ezeonu, known for her roles in classic Nollywood films like “Glamour Girls” and “Living in Bondage,” stated that she would disqualify anyone dressed inappropriately from auditions. As a judge at the Lagos audition, she emphasized that such attire is not only inappropriate but also detrimental to the reputation of aspiring actors.
“Who are you trying to impress?” Ezeonu asked. “That’s why people see us as unserious. I’m a serious-minded actor; you can’t catch me dressed like this, even when I was your age.”
The video has sparked a heated debate on social media, with some commending Ezeonu for advocating decency and professionalism, while others argue that her views are outdated and irrelevant in today’s entertainment industry.