The mother of late singer Mohbad has spoken out about the ongoing controversy surrounding the DNA test of her grandson, Liam Light. In a recent video statement, she alleged that Mohbad’s father, Mr. Joseph Aloba, is responsible for delaying the test, but did not disclose the exact reasons.
Despite the delay, Mohbad’s mother emphasized the importance of conducting the DNA test, stating, “Wunmi must do the DNA because of Liam. I know he is my grandchild.” She also defended her son, Adura, against accusations of impersonation and misleading statements regarding Mohbad’s death.
Additionally, Mohbad’s mother accused actor Yomi Fabiyi of manipulating the situation and trying to implicate Adura in the case. She claimed to have evidence and warned that the curses placed on Adura would instead affect Yomi’s children.
The controversy surrounding Mohbad’s death and the DNA test has been ongoing for over a year, with various parties involved. Mohbad’s mother’s statement sheds new light on the situation, but the matter remains unresolved.
In her words, “Concerning the person that chatted Yomi Fabiyi, it was Damola that told Yomi that he knew what killed Mohbad. Adura arrested Damola, and I went to the police station to ask him what my offense was and why he impersonated my son, Adura. He didn’t say anything meaningful.
“I have already warned Adura before to move away from these people that surrounded Mohbad when he was alive. They were the ones with Mohbad till he passed. Adura now lives alone in Lekki, and I visit him every week. The case was moved from Ogombo Police Station to Ikeja.”
She further accused Yomi Fabiyi of allegedly manipulating the situation and trying to implicate Adura in the case.
“Damola has confessed that he regretted what he did. Yomi Fabiyi has told Damola to implicate Adura so he doesn’t go to prison alone. I have all the evidence.
“Yomi Fabiyi knew that it was not Adura that chatted him, yet he is trying to shift blame. All the curses people placed on Adura will go to Yomi’s children. I had two sons, and you have killed one. Nobody is mentioning Naira Marley or Sam Larry again.”