A heartbreaking story has emerged from Delta State, Nigeria, where two SS1 students tragically lost their lives after visiting a hotel with some “yahoo boys” (a term used to describe individuals involved in internet fraud). According to the narrative shared by a Nigerian lady on TikTok, the girls had deceived their parents by telling them they were heading to school, but instead went to meet the men at the hotel.
The girls were allegedly promised money, gifts, and a shopping spree, which they indulged in before heading back home. Tragically, one of the girls collapsed and died in a tricycle, while the other girl began shaking uncontrollably, suffered seizures, and eventually passed away on the way to the hospital.
The incident has sparked widespread reactions, with many expressing their condolences and others sharing their thoughts on the dangers of getting involved with “yahoo boys.” Some have also highlighted the importance of prioritizing values over material wealth, citing the phrase “the love of money is the root of all evil” .
@chiamyceo 2 SS1 girls kpai like that, #tiktokstorytime
Michael Matthew: “this is a lesson for those who are still alive, I hope they will learn.”
MREBL: “My neighbor na 16yrs and naso she the knack old people wey pass her father.”
Samuel Sammy: “saidaboj will recruit more students to replace them 😁😁.”
user4061359239612: “when society don put money as priority, generation will be worst.”
Obiorah James: “She don finally date rich guy.”
Brown: “my ex was suppose to be involved in something like this 😒 God make my prayers come through for my ex 💯🙏.”
Joshua Ochuko: “Una done start ohh every yahoo boys.”