Kechi Okwuchi, a survivor of the 2005 Sosoliso plane crash, has marked 19 years since the tragic accident. On December 10, 2005, the Sosoliso Airlines Flight 1145 crashed while attempting to land at the Port Harcourt International Airport, killing 106 people, including 60 of Kechi’s schoolmates.
Taking to social media, Kechi expressed her gratitude for life and penned an emotional tribute to her fallen classmates. “Today marks the 19th anniversary of the Sosoliso plane crash. I’m grateful for life and hopeful that the 60 Angels continue to watch over me,” she wrote.
Kechi also acknowledged the loved ones of her classmates, thanking them for their support over the years. “I hope I can continue to make you proud and give you reasons to smile,” she said.
The survivor has dedicated her life to honoring the memory of her classmates and has chosen to live on behalf of herself and those who were lost in the crash. “I say thank you again for uplifting me, even in your most painful moment. This life that was saved that day was not saved in vain,” Kechi concluded.