A disturbing incident has unfolded in Abuja, where a gospel singer, Oluwatimileyin Ajayi, was arrested for allegedly beheading his girlfriend. The shocking crime was discovered on Sunday, January 12, near a church in Orozo, Abuja.
According to eyewitnesses, Ajayi was seen carrying a black nylon bag with flies surrounding it, raising suspicions. Upon searching him, police found a fresh human head, believed to be that of his girlfriend.
In a video circulating online, Ajayi is seen being questioned by police, where he claims that the couple had a heated argument, and his girlfriend attempted to stab him with a knife. However, he admits that the situation escalated, resulting in him beheading her.
Ajayi, a gospel singer and motivational speaker from Kabba, Kogi State, has released music albums, including “God of the Earth” in 2020. His social media profiles reveal his passion for music and motivational speaking.