A heartwarming yet poignant video has surfaced on TikTok, showcasing an unexpected encounter between two former classmates. The video, shared by user @sharom717, captures the moment she spots her former classmate selling fruits at a taxi park.
However, what unfolds next is a stark reminder of the societal pressures that often lead people to feel ashamed of their occupations. As soon as the fruit seller spots her former classmate, she hastily flees the scene, overcome with shame.
In a bid to reassure her former classmate, the TikTok user reveals her own occupation as a toilet attendant, emphasizing that they are not so different after all. Her empathetic words have sparked a wave of reactions online, with many praising her willingness to share her own story.
Some users reflected on their own experiences of feeling ashamed of their occupations, while others lamented the societal pressures that perpetuate such feelings. See some reactions below:
@suhita said, “This brought tears to my eyes cause I can relate to it. Sometime when I used to hawk my baked snacks on the road and I saw my friend in a ride. Couldn’t look him in the eye. But he wiped off every shame from me dat day. He was cool. Bless him.”
@freeduhj said, “Did you say Fridah, is that me? May GOD bless my name sake.”
@it’s nicole said, “Afterall but ehhhhh. I can’t hide my laughter am sorry.”
Angieee said, “Funny how going to school doesn’t seem a good choice anymore.”