A young girl named Anu Adeleke has ignited a heated debate on social media after claiming to be the oldest daughter of Nigerian singer Davido. The controversy began when Anu shared a video on her Instagram page, thanking Nigerians for their birthday wishes and support on her 11th birthday.
In the video, Anu expressed her gratitude to Kemi Olunloyo, a retired journalist who had previously accused Davido of refusing to acknowledge Anu as his child. Anu also revealed that Olunloyo had enrolled her in school in 2019.
Anu’s Instagram page identifies her as Davido’s oldest daughter, which has sparked a flurry of reactions from social media users. Many have drawn comparisons between Anu’s situation and the recent controversy surrounding Cubana Chief Priest, who was accused of denying a man who claimed to be his brother.
Social media users have flooded Anu’s comment section with their thoughts,
glambyadu said, “E be like say na missing family dey trend….abeg I be otedola missing child.”
cravingsnails said, “For the Mom to still put Davido’s eldest daughter after DNA proved it wasn’t his child in all ramifications is high level Dibolicâl. They need to start ařresting you all. That man has been avòiding troùble and should be left alone.”
jaccussherself said, “I remember this girl very well. Her mother took a picture of herself in bed with Davido, unknowingly the one night will become a baby girl. But Davido refused DNA till date.”
closet.sleek said, “Aside complexion, the girl and imade has slight resemblance.”
derickrose28 said, “Shingbai you no go see from Burna boy😂😂😂.”