Cubana Chief Priest, a prominent businessman, has come under fire from fans and followers after showing off 47 cows he gifted to a friend for his mother’s funeral. The criticism stems from his earlier vow to bail out Akpi, also known as Speed Darlington, who is currently in prison.
Fans have been reminding Cubana Chief Priest of his promise to help Akpi, with some expressing disappointment and frustration. Comments on social media have included:
– “Akpi nwamama still dey cell Boss”
– “Oga go and bail AKPIN @speeddarlintv”
– “Speedy never come out boss, I wan remind you”
Cubana Chief Priest had initially stated that he would bail out Akpi, but it appears that he has not followed through on his promise. Instead, he has been showcasing his wealth and generosity through the gift of 47 cows.
The backlash highlights the importance of following through on commitments and the potential consequences of not doing so. Cubana Chief Priest’s actions have sparked a conversation about accountability and the responsibility that comes with making public promises.