A poignant video has surfaced online, capturing the emotional last words of a Congolese soldier to his friend before succumbing to his injuries amidst the chaos of war. The footage, widely shared on social media, shows the soldier lying wounded in his hideout, surrounded by the devastating sounds of gunfire.
In his final moments, the soldier delivers a heartfelt farewell message to his friend, revealing that he had been shot in the arm and wouldn’t survive much longer. With evident pain and desperation, he pleads with his friend to take care of his family after he’s gone, requesting that all his money, salary, and war bonus be sent to them.
The soldier’s emotional words, accompanied by the haunting sounds of gunfire in the background, have left many viewers in tears. The video has sparked an outpouring of sympathy and outrage online, with many condemning the horrors of war and the treatment of soldiers.
Reactions to the video have been overwhelming, with many expressing sadness, empathy, and frustration. Some have criticized the government’s treatment of soldiers, while others have called for an end to war and the promotion of peace.
The video serves as a poignant reminder of the devastating consequences of war and the sacrifices made by soldiers and their families.
@UncleYakub said, “This one touch me 🥺.”
@oluwasetomicute said, “Omooo I can’t even begin to imagine what’s running through his mind at this time.”
@Real_Nasobi said, “Ñot even asif de’re paid wèll.”
@gina_millionz said, “😱 OMG this is really sad.”
@neefenawti said, “Sometimes, I don’t understand the reasons for war. Can’t the world just apply common sense and humility when dealing with each other? Can’t humans just understand there is nothing sweeter and greater than peace? This is sad to watch!”