The city of Ogbomoso, Oyo State, was filled with emotions as family, friends, and colleagues gathered to bid a final farewell to renowned gospel filmmaker and actor Moses Are, popularly known as Baba Gbenro. The 65-year-old passed away in November 2024 after a brave battle with liver disease.
The burial ceremony, held on Friday, was a solemn and heartfelt tribute to Baba Gbenro’s life and legacy. Attendees dressed in white and blue, symbolizing respect and admiration, as they gathered to pay their last respects.
The ceremony was marked by poignant hymns and prayers, with many key figures from the Christian film industry in attendance. Baba Gbenro’s impact on gospel filmmaking was evident, and his contributions will be deeply missed.
As the founder and international president of Calvary Movies Drama Ministry, Baba Gbenro dedicated his life to spreading Christian messages through film, touching countless lives and earning him a revered place in the gospel movie industry.
Photos from the ceremony, shared by Christian video podcast Zion Kulture, captured the raw emotions of those in attendance, including a heart-wrenching image of Baba Gbenro’s casket, adorned with gold trimmings and floral designs.