Mark Angel, the renowned Nigerian comedian, and MC Mbakara, a rising star in the entertainment industry, have set social media ablaze with their recent...
A viral video circulating on social media has captured the ecstatic reactions of excited female fans after seeing Grammy Award-winning Nigerian superstar Wizkid, born...
Nigerian comedian Mide Oladimeji, popularly known as Dele Omowoli, has taken a significant step in his personal life as he joyfully announces his relocation...
Famous Nigerian TikToker, Hamzat Habeeb Adelaja, professionally known as Peller, has broken into tears following the worsening health condition of his love interest, TikTok...
TikToker Peller was overcome with emotion as he learned about the worsening health condition of his love interest, Jadrolita. The Nigerian TikToker couldn't hold...