A shocking incident has unfolded in Ekiti State, Nigeria, where a young lady was caught attempting to poison a man with a powerful insecticide called Sniper. The incident was captured on video and has sparked widespread outrage and reactions online.
According to reports, the lady had poured Sniper into a bottle of table water, intending to give it to the man to drink. Further investigation revealed that she had even written down her plans in one of her notebooks.
The lady has been taken to the police station, but she has refused to explain why she wanted to poison the man. The incident has raised concerns about the motivations behind such a heinous act.
Social media users have shared their thoughts on the incident, with some calling for the lady to be punished severely. Others have questioned what could have driven her to attempt such a crime.
@Mrlekan213 said, “Wetin the person do her before she carry snipper.”
@philkikis said, “Ask her what the man has done before crucifying her.”
@neefenawti said, “Some people’s hearts are desperately wicked sha… ahn ahn.”
@BenRmc_ said, “Make dem give her the water drink make she dey go house nah.”
@Abasiono_Ek said, “What really drives people to commit this kind of crimee?”
@tehmee24 said, “Make una give her to drink nah.”