Renowned highlife musician, Dr. Arube Otor, popularly known as Isoko Fela, has sparked widespread fascination with his unconventional family goals. The 55-year-old musician, who already has nine children, married three women in a grand ceremony on January 19, at Uzere, Delta State.
Isoko Fela, who was born into a polygamous family, credits his upbringing for his comfort with this lifestyle. He emphasized the peaceful dynamic within his household, stating that he mediates disputes and ensures that each wife feels valued and independent.
The musician’s goal of fathering 32 children has raised eyebrows, but he remains confident in his ability to fulfill his marital responsibilities. He attributes his vitality to a natural diet, avoiding rice and aphrodisiacs.
Isoko Fela’s wedding ceremony was a jubilant celebration, with members of the Performing Musicians Association of Nigeria providing music and refreshments. The musician has revealed plans to expand his family further by marrying two more wives soon.