A heartbreaking video has surfaced online, showing two young Nigerian students, Simi and Peter, living on the streets of Canada. The clip has sparked widespread reactions among social media users, highlighting the harsh realities faced by some international students in Canada.
According to the video, Simi and Peter arrived in Canada through the study route but found themselves struggling to make ends meet. Peter dropped out of school after his father’s passing, while Simi’s business venture failed, leaving her homeless and unable to afford rent in Toronto.
The video has raised concerns about the challenges faced by international students in Canada, particularly those from Nigeria. Many have taken to social media to share their own experiences and offer advice on how to navigate the system.
Some reactions include:
@petithazard2: My friend who went to Canada two years ago is still struggling cuz he went as a student and the family still have to send him money from Nigeria despite him working the normal student shift. He said the little work he does covers little or nothing at all hence the family have to send him Money to finish paying his fees. God willingly he will be done soon and can focus on adjusting better without school stress.
@OlorogunErnest : Toronto & Vancouver cities are not ideal for startups in Canada. Especially single students. I pray they get the help they need.
@olusholaspecia: A lot of students are surviving because of churches in Canada eles it would have been worse than this.
@TheUntamable1: Going to canada as a student. The first place you should avoid is the big cities. Always aim for the midsize places, Have enough money on you to balance through the first 6 months. Be patient and tenacious to grow stwadily. Toronto is the worst place to go study as a newcomer😔.
@iam_arinzona : May God help them to recover it’s not easy anyway, and I hope they are not on drugs.