A heartbreaking incident has shaken a community in Nigeria after a woman allegedly murdered her newborn baby due to her deep-seated dislike for her husband. The disturbing event has sparked discussions about postpartum depression and the need for mental health support.
According to eyewitnesses, the woman’s infant was found wrapped and hidden under her bed. A video circulating online shows the woman carrying her dead baby, sparking widespread outrage and debate.
Sources reveal that the woman, whose identity remains undisclosed, faced marital challenges with her husband, leading to her actions. However, many argue that her behavior was wicked and unjustifiable.
The incident has raised concerns about the importance of addressing postpartum depression and providing mental health support to new mothers. Some reactions online include:
pitakwa_of_uyo said, “The blood of the innocent shall fight 😢.”
anuoluwapo_tawose said, “Postpartum depression is some topic that isn’t addressed enough. Should be taught during antenatal sessions too. So there would be rescue at early stage and signs.”
stemz_magik said, “Before you marry,make sure you take your partner for a quick mental evaluation before planning that mumu wedding o …..Na fact I dey tell you so.”
wonderboyodc said, “Wating the work people??? Like how do people don’t think 😭.”
hrm_ken said, “Omo, things dey happen for this life😢💔.”