Speed Darlington, a popular Nigerian singer, has been granted bail by the Federal High Court in Abuja. The court set the bail at N20 million, with certain conditions to be met. The singer’s lawyer, Marshall Abubakar, moved the bail application after Speed Darlington pleaded not guilty to a two-count charge of alleged cybercrime.
As part of the bail conditions, Speed Darlington must provide a surety who is a Level 10 civil servant residing in Abuja, and the surety must provide an affidavit of means. Additionally, Speed Darlington must surrender his international passport, and both he and the surety must submit two recent passport-sized photographs to the court registrar.
It’s worth noting that Speed Darlington’s arrest was related to allegations of defamation and cyberstalking against Burna Boy. He was initially arrested in October 2024 and re-arrested in November after his release from police custody.
Interestingly, Cubana Chief Priest, a popular socialite, had vowed to help Speed Darlington regain his freedom.